torsdag den 3. november 2016

Mine sidste figure - Victrix french infantry 28mm

Here they are:
48 bases of french infantry, each of 4 figures.
They are nice, but demand a better painter than me .)

søndag den 14. august 2016

New french hussars

I have my newest units ready: 4 french hussar units, which are some of the most colourful units i have painted.

Perry french hussars

Perry french hussars

Perry french hussars

Perry french hussars

mandag den 9. maj 2016

New austrian Landwehr 1809

So here is my newest units: Three austrian landwehr from 1809 in a nice ¨kaffeebraun¨ coats and sparkling blue trousers.
I think they look nice and shiny.

The coat color is not red but brown. In the colors shown they look like danes from 1848.

fredag den 4. marts 2016

New artillery

I have just finished 6 pieces of Austrian artillery and 10 French.
The austrians are Perry's. Excellent figures with a lot of life. They could easily be a part of a Diorama, and are a mini diorama on their bases.
The limbers with crew and horses ar small pieces of art. Especially their horseartillery, "wurstwagen" are splendid.
They are not finished unfortunately.
My french artillery are victrix, and they are excellent figures. Unfortunately in 1809 french artillery used chakots, but i like bicorne better, so here they are.
Soon i will be able to have a big battle.

Austrian and french artillery 28mm ca. 1809

Perry austrian artillery 28mm Wurst

Perry austrian artillery 28mm Wurst

Perry and Victrix

Perry and Victrix

Perry and Victrix

Victrix french napoleonic artillery ca. 1805 28mm

My next project will be Hät figures 28mm bavarian napoleonic.