fredag den 11. oktober 2013

New terrain.
After many years of figthing on not very pretty terrain, i am now the proud owner of Kallistra Hexon terrain.
This will be my first terrain on which i will figth a battle and i will have a 1849 bash!
But more off this later on.

New Blog!
As many others i will try to make a blog around my hobbies. It will mainly be mid 19th century wargames, That is the wars of 1848-50, 1859, 1866 and 1870, but you will also risk reading about others wars, such as GNW, napoleonic, WW1 and WW2, and modern, as i am the proud owner of figures from all these wars.
Here are som pictures:

Danish and Schlesvig-Holstein 15 mm troops,
Or interesting pictures from museums or battlefields i have visited.
So see you.