torsdag den 14. maj 2015

HestI visited Moesgaard Mueum in Århus yesterday, and there was an exhibition orf Qin and Han figures. Totally fascinating. If i ever was going to paint a chinese ahncient army it was either a Han or Qin army-
Fascinating stuff. I took a lot of pictures, and here they are:
Bow person
Chariot guy

A charot- Please reark that tis is probaly a generals chariot
You could try to paint a general in different colors. The figures you see in the background is different  peoples experint.
Apparantly every soldier was individually colured.

Appar4ently each soldier has his own pattern and colour system.
Truly intereresting

In the rest of the
museum there was an immense exhibit of illerup ådal.
 If you are interested 4 century battles uoy probaly won find anything more interisting in europe, but it is not my thing, but is very interisting

lørdag den 9. maj 2015

My newest 1798 french revolutionaries. Jus ordered som 6 battalions from trent Miniatures. I base all figures on a 40mm x 40mm base and 4 bases to at battallion..